Dear Mr Boyé Lafayette de Mente:
After reading through your News & Reviews I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your efforts to share your vast life's experiences with all who might be attuned. Your books are most appealing, particularly the three on Kata; Samurai Principles & Practices; and Japanese Samurai Code.
My name is Bob Davies, I am 60 and based in Durban, South Africa. have been studying and teaching the Japanese and Chinese martial arts for 40 odd years and have, over the last 10, become more deeply involved in the classical sword and spear system of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu. Recent training visits to Japan opened a whole new appreciation of the positive contribution that aspects of the Japanese cultural mindset could have towards a turnabout in declining social inter-relationships, and personal development.
This latter-day exposure has led me into a deeper awareness of the spiritual aspects of our nature, which achieved a greater sense of direction after walking the Shikoku Pilgrimage over the end of last year. This has recently materialised in the realisation that a period of dedicated spiritual study would be appropriate to achieve a deeper understanding of my potential and desire to be of positive service to others; I will be starting a 1000 day retreat from the beginning of next year. The exact form and substance still has to unfold.
Not sure why I am sharing this with you, except that I would have liked to share some real time chatting with you to hear more about your life.
Well Done Sir - Stay in strength and health,
"Striving to be proud of everything I do today".