Sunday, October 01, 2006

Book Encouraging Samurai-Type Training Lauded by Karate Master

Martial Arts Master Uses
Author's Book to Attract Students

Boye Lafayette De Mente

PARADISE VALLEY, AZ (BNS)--Fred DePalma, internationally known Kenpo karate martial arts master and founder of the Arizona-based DePalma’s Team USA Martial Arts training centers, is now recommending—and selling—one of my new books, Samurai Principles & Practices that Will Help Preteens & Teens in School, Sports, Social Activities and Choosing Careers.

DePalma’s Team USA Martial Arts, headquartered in Mesa, Arizona with 12 training centers in the Phoenix-Scottsdale metropolitan area and around the state, has been offering instruction and training in Kenpo karate since 1986.

A 7th Degree Kenpo master who was trained by Grand Master Greg Silva, DePalma is a former national champion and the winner of over 700 awards and trophies. He has been teaching martial arts since 1981.

“Students and enthusiasts of Kenpo karate have many reasons for their interest in this and other martial art styles,” DePalma says. “Some are drawn to the physical fitness and weight-loss aspects of training. Others seek to add discipline and self-control to their lives. Still others are concerned about safety and self-defense,” he adds.

DePalma said he recommends “samurai principles and practices” because it spells out in detail the physical, mental and spiritual instruction that Japan’s famous samurai families used to train their children, making them one of the most remarkable groups of people the world has ever seen.

“Of course, both the methods and purpose of the samurai-type training have been modernized,” DePalma says. “They are now designed to instill such ideal character traits as discipline, respect for others, self-respect, self-confidence, courage, honesty and perseverance in pursuing goals,” he added.

“The effect of this kind of organized and monitored karate training on children and teens is absolutely remarkable. It transforms their character,” DePalma adds.

The “samurai principles & practices” book, available from all of the DePalma training centers as well as regular book outlets, is primarily aimed at parents to encourage them to enroll their young children and teens in martial arts classes.

For information about the location of DePalma training centers in Arizona, call (480) 892-3949 or see For information about the author's book, go to: